Laura Wolter
Laura is a graduate student in the Social Psychology Ph.D. program. She received a B.S. in Psychology at George Washington University. Her work focuses on the role of perceived norms and goals in the context of prosocial behaviors.
Laura is a graduate student in the Social Psychology Ph.D. program. She received a B.S. in Psychology at George Washington University. Her work focuses on the role of perceived norms and goals in the context of prosocial behaviors.
Princess is a graduate student in the Social Psychology Ph.D. program. Her research examines the relationship between minoritized students and instituions of higher education through the lens of trust, stress, coping processes, and identity
Gavin is a current second year, social psychology PhD student with a focus on health psychology. Their research interests more specifically are in the domain of health promoting and health risk behaviors. Some of their previous work has examined parents’ intentions to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 using an extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). At the moment, they are engaged in research on the feasibility of a smartphone app for assessing college students’ context specific experiences in real time, and the extent to which these assessments can be used to predict drinking behaviors across time and people. Additionally, they are running a study examining the theoretical underpinnings of multiple health behavior change in order to create informed multiple behavior interventions that are more time and cost efficient than interventions targeting a single behavior alone. Outside of the lab, Gavin enjoys reading science fiction and fantasy novels, hanging out with friends, and collecting Pokemon cards.
Gianna is an undergraduate psychology student with a clinical and behavioral health concentration. Her research interests include substance use, eating disorders, and adolescent relationships and mental health. After graduating from Lehigh University, she hopes to pursue a PhD in clinical or counseling psychology. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her friends, listening to music, and crocheting.
Maeve is an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in music and biology. Her research interests include adolescent substance use, developmental disorders, and child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. After graduating from Lehigh University, she hopes to go to graduate school. In her free time, she enjoys playing in the Marching 97, spending time with friends, and playing tennis.
Sarah is an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in health, medicine, and society (HMS) and business. Her research interests include health psychology, social psychology, and mental health. Her favorite thing to do in the lab is talk to others about the "why"s and "how"s behind the lab's research. On campus, she is involved in the Peer Health Advisors as well as Greek Life. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music, eating the kitchen sink cookie from Panera, and spending time with friends.
Madison is an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in spanish. Her research interests include mental health, social psychology, and personality psychology. Her favorite thing to do in the lab is come up with new ideas and research new potential experiments. On campus, she is involved in Greek life and DMAX. In her free time, she enjoys doing yoga and spending time with friends!
Cammie is an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in health, medicine, and society (HMS). Her research interests include the psychology behind addictive tendencies and substance-use behaviors, in respect to developing a substance-use disorder. Is there more of a genetic or environmental component? She is on the Women's Club Soccer Team and involved in Greek Life on campus. She loves to be in the sun and aspires to continue her studies out West in California to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She loves to hangout with friends, bake, and sing along to her favorite country songs.
Ryan is majoring in psychology with a minor in entrepreneurship. His research interests are health psychology, mental health, stress and coping. After graduating he's looking to get a masters degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology. On campus, he is a part of the Lehigh Men’s Soccer team as well as a student-athlete mentor (SAM) for first year student athletes at Lehigh.
Serena is an undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in biology on the pre-medical track. Her research interests include health psychology and social psychology. Her research interests include adolescent substance abuse along with the self medication hypothesis and campus sexual violence interventions. On campus, she is involved in Greek Life, pre-health communities, and cultural organizations. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends, traveling, and dancing.
Skye is a senior undergraduate student majoring in psychology with a minor in global studies. Her research interests include college student alcohol usage as a means for coping and behavioral indicators. Outside of the lab, Skye has a leadership role in Greek Life and enjoys spending time with friends, listening to Zach Bryan and baking!