Join the Lab
Dr. Napper welcomes applicatants for the Fall 2024 application cycle.
Graduate student info
Graduate students are encouraged to become involved in ongoing lab projects and usually have publication and conference presentation opportunities from existing data sets and ongoing projects within the lab We are committed to providing a supportive and enriching environment that allows our students to become skilled researchers, capable teachers, and effective communicators.
If you are an undergraduate interested in applying as a graduate student to our lab, please contact Dr. Lucy Napper.
Undergraduate RA info
Undergraduate students are also offered educational opportunities as research assistants, either in a volunteer capacity or for course credit (PSYC161 or HMS292). Undergraduate RAs are involved in many ways on research projects, including but not limited to: assisting in literature searches, running participants through research protocols, data entry and management, recruitment, survey programming, and manuscript/poster preparation. Additionally, undergraduate RAs will be required to attend bi-weekly lab meetings to discuss research articles relevant to projects currently being conducted in the lab and topics relevant to professional development. Before lab meetings, all RAs will be asked to read an assigned research article and prepare for lab meeting discussions. Lab meeting dates vary by semester.
If you are an undergraduate interested in applying as a RA to our lab, please fill out the Undergraduate Research Assistant Application.